The Compound

Still retooling this thing...

Trying to rebuild here. There were a few things that needed to be taken down, and it left this site looking a little... stark. Expect some updates in the near future, including some info about Upstream Studios' new live room (for streaming/recording bands), mixing and mastering services, and videos

Until then, if you need to get in touch with us, or are looking for more information about recording or mixing here, please use our contact form...



Thoughts about.... collaboration

To me, collaboration isn't about finding just the right group of people. Don't get me wrong, bringing together just the right type of talent can make great things happen. But it's not exactly a sure thing, and it doesn't do much for creativity on its own. To me, collaboration is about making connections. The truth is, we're all talented. But all in different ways. Just like some people are really good with money, or really good at building things, we all have our own unique talents when it comes to creativity.

We can all have our own creative ideas, but there's no way for each of us to be on the same page unless everyone is open to it. We don't get to see those things really come out unless we're connecting. The less we connect, the more frustrated we get. Our ideas start to get backed up. But when we "get it", we start to understand where everyone else is coming from. "Our" ideas and "their" ideas start to line up in ways they couldn't before. To me, this is what makes collaboration work.

When I think of things like "magic" or "trapping lightning in a bottle", this is what I think of. And in that sense, I think the expression is all wrong. You're not trying to trap anything. You're coaxing something out that nobody has seen before. The capturing is more like taking a photo. It's "observing". This is how we get magic to happen.

It's here...

After a long wait, the Legz Pup EP is finally available! You can purchase it here digitally, or grab the cassette at an upcoming show.

Legz Pup Release Show

Come check out Legz this Sunday April 24th, 2016 at Silent Barn in Bushwick as they release their Pup EP. Copies of the cassette will be available, along with good times to be had with Legz, Lady Bizness, Say "No!" to Architecture, and Blueblack

$8 cover, doors open at 8PM

@603 Bushwick Ave, Brooklyn

Updates for April

Got a couple changes coming your way this month. Or really just one change, with a few little changes wrapped up in it.

Later this month, April 24th, is the release date for Legz's new EP Pup, with a release show at Silent Barn in Bushwick. Digital versions of this EP will be available for purchase from this site. Our downloads carry with them no restrictions or DRMs, and through your free account at (which you'll be required to set up in order to use our shopping cart) you will have access to your purchase for as long as we're around.

That means that it won't matter if your hard drive fails, or phone gets broken, stolen, or... anything. You'll never have to repurchase these files from our website. We just ask that you treat us kindly and don't steal or mass distribute your downloads.

There will be more information forthcoming on that release show, but mark your calendars. It's going to be awesome.


Some updates for Feb, 2016

Hello, reader (I'll just assume you're the only one). Wanted to take a moment to update you on the state of things here at Upstream.

First, since you can actually look at it now, I've posted a new episode of Brick Manly for your reading pleasure. I took a long break (from remembering to do it), but there are more episodes at the ready so check back soon for even more exciting micro-adventures. 

Next, I have been working hard with the band Legz to put together and release a new, 7 song EP called Pup. You'll be able to get it here digitally and there's a cassette coming, too. The cassettes are currently being made, so we should have a release date soon.

Thanks for checking in, we'll have more for you soon.


Well, here it is...

As with any product of "greatness" there will always be some fine tuning to be done, but Upstream Studios is up and running!

Still a few things to add (content-wise), but that will come. Guess I've got a trailer to finish editing....

But there will always be new stuff coming for this site, so keep checking in. Maybe it's not weekly, like I claim, but there will be more episodes of Brick Manly on a pretty regular basis for a while. See how the story unfolds... Or don't. It's like two paragraphs an episode, see it... whenever you want.

Let there be Brick

There's probably a very limited number of people who remember, but I once had a whole mess of micro shorts about a lovable little scamp named Brick Manly. I dream to one day bring his shining face to the silver screen, but in the meantime please enjoy these tales of adventure (click here). I will try to post a new one every week, so keep checking in.
